I had smiled at the twins The beautiful children I had borne They had been covered in pink robes That matched their skin tone. My little twins had my eyes Yet they both saw the world differently My son loved the big fluffy monkey My daughter loved the kangaroo and her baby. Then came toys that weren’t living Toys with wheels, toys with lights Their strives to get to the best model Led to some noisy, violent fights. At night, I would sit by their bedside And listen to stories of their developing acumen There would be pauses for my advice in some Where I would suggest them to do what is human. As my twins grew older They looked more different from each other My daughter’s body experienced changes That differed her from her brother. My daughter’s dresses fitted her curves perfectly My son’s broad shoulders lifted his blazer flawlessly. My daughter preferred to keep her eyebrows aligned My son preferred to keep a beard on his jawline. ...
Utopia is an imagined place or state of things in which everything is perfect. Through my blog, I do not wish to discover Utopia but to transform the society I live in, the country I serve and gradually, the world –into Utopia. With this thought in my mind and ideas ready to spill, I continue my journey to Utopia.